Jessie and the Mediterranean Chateau

Jessie and the Mediterranean Chateau
Credit  for this image goes to the unknown original author. 
If you are the artist please identify yourself and I will credit you for this great piece!

Jessie had just moved into her new house on the Mediterranean Coastline of Southern France, She was studying abroad for a year and had been lucky enough to have her friend, Marie LaPiette, give her a house for the next month.

The three story house sat by the sea, overlooking a small country road. There were no other houses for miles around, every direction you looked you would only see sprawling countryside and trees.

Everything was relaxing and perfect. Or at least, it would have been is Marie hadn't suggested that the house was haunted... Marie liked winding Jessie up, but Jessie never got used to it. The suggestion alone had set her on edge as she climbed into bed for the first night alone in this large house.

Jessie's bedroom was a small room on the second floor, comprised of a beautiful bed with four curtains that could be closed on all sides, a wardrobe, a dresser and a door to the 2nd floor landing.

As she lay down she listened to the silence of the house, and the rustle of the wind outside. Suddenly though her peace was shattered by a shuffling noise from the hallway.

What should Jessie do?

1. Investigate the noise
2. Call out, "Who's there!?"
3. Get changed
4. Look out window.
5. Look for a weapon

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top

Orgasm: 0%
Status: Nervous

'Investigate the noise' chosen by viewers!

Slowly, Jessie got out of bed and crept towards the door. The moonlight was shining through the window and casting strange shadows across the floor. As her feet moved the occasional old floorboard creaked.

She gulped, now only a mere meter from the door.

"Shit..." she whispered.

Placing a hand on the door handle she slowly turned the knob.


The door slowly pushed open and she peeped out into the dark corridor.

To her left was a door leading to the bathroom, to her right was another bedroom, and at the end of the corridor was a hot press. There were also stairs leading up and down.

There was nobody in the corridor though, the house was as silent as it had been when she went to bed.

What should Jessie do?

1. Hot Press
2. Go back into bedroom
3. Go into other bedroom
4. Wait
5. Go up/down stairs (Choose one of these)
6. Call out, "Who's there?"

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top

Orgasm: 0%
Status: less nervous

'Wait' chosen by viewers!

Jessie paused in the hallway, listening for any sounds as her eyes scanned the dark.

She flicked on the lightswitch and illuminated the room. there was nobody on this floor except her. Down the corridor though she saw that the second bedroom's door was slightly ajar...

Action:1. Hot Press
2. Go back into bedroom
3. Investiage the second bedroom
4. Turn off the light again
5. Go up/down stairs (Choose one of these)
6. Call out, "Who's there?"

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top

Orgasm: 0%
Status: less nervous

'Investigate the second bedroom' chosen by viewers!

Jessie made her way down to the second bedroom's door. As it was slightly ajar she peeked in, but couldn't see much in the dark. The moon was not reflecting light on this side of the house.

She raised her right hand to the door and gently pushed it open the rest of the way. This revealed an empty bedroom. Just a bed, another wardrobe and a pile of dirty clothing.

Undeterred Jessie walked into the room, hand reaching for the light switch. As she did so though the door swung shut behind her.


Jessie quickly pulled at the handle, it wouldn't budge.

"Who's there?"

The light-switch wasn't working, Jessie flicked it back and fourth continuously.

From the darkness she though she could make out a shape emerging from under the bed. It looked like an elongated shadowing human figure slowly crawling across the floor.

1. Try door again
2. Jump on top of bed.
3. Run to the window on other side of room.
4. Try to hide in the wardrobe.

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top

Orgasm: 0%

'Jump on top of the bed' chosen by viewers!

In a panic Jessie leapt over the shadowy figure on the carpet and tried to land on the bed. She almost made it. All but her left foot ended up on the bed.

As she quickly tried to draw her foot up onto the bed she felt the creature's hand grasp her ankle. She began to struggle, kicking wildly to knock it off.

"Ahh! Get off me!"

As she kicked her left slipper was pulled off.

Action:1. Keep kicking at it with your foot!
2. Use your other leg to kick it too!
3. Focus on holding on to the far side of the bed. (I roll for a strength test here, 60% chance of success)

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 0%
Status: Terrified (Penalty to mental tasks)

 'Focus on holding on to the far side of the bed' chosen by viewers!

Jessie clutched on to the far side of the bed, determined not to be dragged onto the floor with the creature. (Rolling strength test...62%. Minor Fail.)

Jessie almost managed to hold on; but the figure's strength tugged her halfway off the bed. Her left thigh now on the floor as she clung to the covers with her arms and right leg. as she was holding on she felt the creature begin to slither up tot he top of her ankle. It was trying to take her sock off.

She kicked wildly with her leg trying to knock it off. This seemed to work as she heard the creature groan in pain.

1. Keep kicking at it with your foot!
2. Use your other leg to kick it too!
3.Try to regain your strong position on the bed (50% strength test because of your weaker position now)
4. Frantically look for a weapon.

Shadow creature: 17/20 HP.

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 0%
Status: Terrified (Penalty to mental tasks)

'Keep kicking at it with your foot!' chosen by viewers

Jessie clung to the bed and kicked her foot repeatedly trying to break free. After a couple of good kicks she felt the grip of the creature loosen, but as she took her foot away it pulled her left sock off!

"Get off me!" she cried out.

She quickly stood up on the bed looking down at the creature. Whilst she could not see its face she could see that it was watching her, waiting for her to move.

1. Jump on it.
2. Jump off the other side of the bed.
3. Grab a pillow to use as a shield and make for the door.
4. Grab a pillow to use as a shield and make for the window
5. Brace yourself and wait

Shadow creature: 13/20 HP.

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top
Socks (left one gone)
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 0%
Status: Terrified (Penalty to mental tasks)

'Brace yourself and wait' chosen by viewers!

Jessie braced herself.

"C-come on! What are you w-waiting for?!"
The monster slithered around to the end of the bed and there was a few seconds of silence. Jessie continued bracing herself. Suddenly one of the monsters arms shot up onto the bed. It was an impossibly long limb for a creature of its size. Before she could think she had already jumped in the air, dodging it.

As she landed she brought her knees down onto the arm, apparently really hurting it.

1. Keep bracing
2. Press the attack and pounce on it
3. Grab a pillow to use as a shield and make for the door.
4. Grab a pillow to use as a shield and make for the window
5. Continue bracing
6. Look for a weapon

Shadow creature: 5/20 HP.
Broken limb (Cannot reach on the bed anymore)

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms
Pyjama top
Socks (left one gone)
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 0%
Status: Feeling powerful! +10% combat bonus

'Grab a pillow to use as a shield and make for the door' chosen by viewers!

Grabbing a pillow from the bed, Jessie made a break for the door.

Jumping onto the floor she saw the creature approach. It quickly lashed out with a much shorter appendage, but she blocked it with the pillow.

With her back now to the door, Jessie reached a hand and tried the handle again. It was still locked! How could she have forgotten that it was still locked!

"I'm a fucking idiot!" she cried out.

The creature advanced on her now, two short appendages snapping at her pyjama bottoms. She managed to block one of them, but the other caused a tear in her left leggings.

She was being backed into a corner, things weren't looking good.

1. Back into corner and fight; it can only come from one direction then! Right?.
2. Counter-attack
3. Brace
4. Attempt to jump back onto the bed (Long range jump 30% chance of success)

Shadow creature: 5/20 HP.
Broken limb (Cannot reach on the bed anymore)

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms (left leg small tear.)
Pyjama top
Socks (left one gone)
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 0%
Status: Feeling powerful! +10% combat bonus

'Counter-attack' chosen by viewers!

"I'm not going down like this!" Jessie yelled, charging at the creature.

With her pillow she parried it's left appendage, and grabbed its right appendage with her other hand.

"Gotcha, you piece of shit!"

Jessie raised her leg and stomped at roughly where she thought the head would be. As her foot contacted with the creature's body though he foot went straight through it. The creature was composed of a jelly like substance.

The creature looked up at her and began to slide the slime up her leg, lifting her pyjama bottom's as it went. As it reached her knee Jessie shivered from the feeling. It almost felt erotic, the creature's warm slime caressing her leg.

1. Try to wedge leg free. (40% success)
2. Strike the creature with other leg.
3. Punch it.

Shadow creature: 2/20 HP.
Broken limb (Cannot reach on the bed anymore)

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms (left leg small tear and rolled up to knee.)
Pyjama top
Socks (left one gone)
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 2%
Status: Feeling powerful! +10% combat bonus

'Strike the creature with other leg' chosen by viewers!

With one foot trapped, she lifted her other leg to try and strike the creature.

This almost pushed her off balance (50% strength test: passed) but she managed to hold on. She quickly brought her foot down hard upon the creature. As she did so it squealed once, and then faded away.

She heard a click from the bedroom door.

1. Search room
2. Go to any of the aforementioned other rooms.
3. Put clothes back on.

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms (left leg small tear and rolled up to knee.)
Pyjama top
Socks (left one gone)
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 2%
Status: Feeling powerful! +10% combat bonus

'Search room' chosen by viewers!

Looking around the room she sees a small bedside lamp, and a pile of clothes.
She could either

1. Dress in more protective clothing (Will any of you choose this?!)
2. Go to any of the aforementioned other rooms.
3. Put Pyjama slippers/socks back on.
4.Take lamp

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms (left leg small tear and rolled up to knee.)
Pyjama top
Socks (left one gone)
Slippers (left one gone)

Orgasm: 1%
Status: Feeling powerful! +10% combat bonus

'Take lamp' chosen by viewers!

Jessie took the lamp, weidling it like a club.

1. Dress in more protective clothing (Will any of you choose this?!)
2. Go to any of the aforementioned other rooms. (specify a room from earlier on!)
3. Put Pyjama slippers/socks back on.

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Pyjama bottoms (left leg small tear and rolled up to knee.)
Pyjama top
Socks (left one gone)
Slippers (left one gone)


Orgasm: 1%
Status: Feeling powerful! +10% combat bonus

Jessie looks at the pile of clothing. It appears to be an old schoolgirl uniform.

'Dress in more protective clothing' chosen by viewers!

1. Go to any of the aforementioned other rooms. (specify a room from earlier on!)

Name: Jessie Akira

Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 1%

Status: Feeling powerful! +10% combat bonus

'Walk back to her bedroom' chosen by viewers!

Jessie walked back towards her bedroom. As she was almost at the door though she heard water running in the bathroom  and the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs.

Looking up she saw nothing but darkness.

The bathroom door was closed.

1. Continue into bedroom.
2. Investigate bathroom
3. Investigate attic upstairs

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 1%
Status: Spooked

'Investigate attic upstairs' chosen by viewers!

Jessie crept up the stairs. As she was halfway up the bathoom door opened and shut quickly. Something had run into her room.

In a panic she turned around, but then she heard footsteps upstairs again. So she slowly continued up towards the attic.

She held her lamp, poised to attack as she saw a tall pale figure standing at the other side of the attic with his back to her.

1. Sneak up on him.
2. Attack him.
3. Go to bedroom.
4. Wait

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 1%
Status: Spooked

'Sneak up on him' chosen by viewers!

Jessie snuck up behind the figure, hiding behind dusty crates and old suitcases. The figure wasn't taking any notice of her. Apparently his attention was fixated upon the small window showing the full moon outside.

Jessie was now only 2 meters from him. She could launch a strike now if she wanted.

1. Attack him.
2. Sneak away
3. Wait

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 1%
Status: Spooked

'Attack him' chosen by viewers!

With a loud cry Jessie charged and smashed the lamp over the figure's head. The lamp bent in half, still usuable thankfully!
"Hah!" she cried out.

The figure stumbled for a second, then turned to face her. At his full height he was 7 foot tall, almost touching the angled roof of the attic.

A smile spread across his face and he began to advance towards Jessie. He snatched the lamp from her hand

"No! G-get away! Stay back! That's my lamp! I don't know you!"

The figure was advancing fast now, almost upon her.

Pale figure 60/60


1. Run like hell
2. Attempt to talk
3. Use item (your choice)
4. Punch/kick (your choice)

Name: Jessie Akira

Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer



Orgasm: 1%

Status: terrified

'Attempt to talk' chosen by viewers!

Being hoisted in the air upside down resulted in her skirt falling up over her belly, revealing her tights covering her panties. The creature gently shook Jessie from left to right. She dropped the pillows and red crystal on the floor.

Then before she could act, the pale figure unveiled a sharp pair of fangs. Looking up at him she could see the white tips heading for her exposed crotch.


The creature made contact with her tights and began to gently nibble through the fabric. They gave way quickly exposing a small hole which led to her panties.

"Uh... no... uhh..." moaned Jessie. The vampire's mouth on her panties had caused some unwanted pleasurable sensations.

Pale figure 60/60

1. Struggle
2. Reach for object
3. Try to kick.
4. Try to hold his head away from your panties.

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 11%

Status: slightly wet

'Struggle' chosen by viewers!

"Ahh, get off me!"
Jessie stuggled and ended up failing to shake him off. As she leaned back down she saw the two items on the floor, with an outstretched arm she grabbed the red crystal, the pillows where just out of reach.

Meanwhile the vampire had begun nibbling through her pantie. (Rolling for clothing damage...81% minor fail!)

The nylon panties were too tough to bite through, to the relief of Jessie. She still moaned though as the vampire latched his mouth over the panties and blew a hot breath into her dampening pussy.

Then he let go of her right leg, using his hand to unzip his fly, revealing a thickening 9 inch cock. He let it go and it dragged a stream of precum across her cheek.

"Eww!" she squealed.

He then lifted his hand to her panties and gently pulled them to one side, revealing her glistening labia.

"No! Put them back on! Stop looking at me there!" cried Jessie.

Pale figure 60/60

1. Use object
2. Struggle
3. Try to kick.
4. Try to hold his head away from your panties.

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Panties (Damp/pulled aside)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 25%
Status: Nipples erect, wet pussy

'Try to hold his head away from your panties' chosen by viewers!

Jessie quickly shot her hands up to his head, managing to barely keep him from touching her pussy lips.

As she looked up she could see that his tongue was barely a centimeter from her clitoris. Using all her strength she just managed to keep him at bay.

However, this left her open to the vampire's psychic attacks. Images of her fellating the vampire continued and intensified. She imagined herself swallowing cum straight from the vampire's testicles.

"N-No... No... Uhhh no!" she cried, "Anything but that!"

The images suddenly changed. She was seeing herself sitting on the vampire's face, his long tongue penetrating deep inside her, flicking all the hot spots, lapping against her cervix. And she was rocking back and fourth unable to control herself.

Pale figure 60/60


1. Use object
2. Struggle more
3. Try to fight the images in your mind!
4. Try to hold his head away from your panties.

Name: Jessie Akira

Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Panties (Damp/pulled aside)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 38%

Status: Nipples erect, soaking pussy

Jessie continued to struggle, instensifying her force on the Vampire's head. She managed to push him back to about 5 cm away. As she did this she grinned, feeling like she was about to win.

The vampire looked down at her with his pitch black pupils; then before she could react he opened his jaw wider as his tongue came out, and kept coming out. It must have been at least 3 foot in length.

Before she could react to this the tongue had glided across her clitoris and slithered up her skirt and under her shirt. She felt the wet, hot organ slithering across her belly, searching for her sensitive tits under her bra, all the while as the tongue moved the base of it rested on her clitoris pulsing repeatedly.

"Oh.. Oh God! No! Please... stop... Not like this...!"

"Ah.. ahhh, ohh!" she moaned.

Pale figure 60/60


1. Wriggle
2. Use Crystal
3. Fight images
4. Grab Tongue

Name: Jessie Akira

Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Panties (Damp/pulled aside)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 38%

Status: Nipples erect, soaking pussy

'Struggle' chosen by viewers!

As the tongue bashed about under her shirt, she saw the crystal still clutched against the vampire's face in her left hand.

With a might crash she wacked the crystal into the side of his head. There was a blinding light which engulfed the room. The vampire's tongue on her clitoris stopped pulsing, and on her belly, it stopped wriggling.

She opened her eyes slowly.

The vampire figure's eyes were glowing red, he wasn't moving. His vicelike grip around her ankles was still there though!

The images too had stopped.

Then suddenly the vampire withdrew his tongue into his mouth.

He let out an almighty laugh.

"HAHAHA! You have restored my ancient powers!"

"Ahhhh!" screamed Jessie

The vampire looked at her with his red eyes and bellowed, "Suck. My. Cock."

(Mind control, mental test! Rolling, 23% Passed!)

"N-N-Never! No!"

"No matter, you'll break eventually."

The vampire then returned to her pussy, shooting his tongue deep inside. With the blood rushing to her head the sensations were intensified.

"OH MY GOD!" she cried as she felt his tongue lap against her never-touched G-spot. The swirling motions is made were driving her crazy. She was soaking wet now, her wetness trickling up her waist.

Pale figure 60/60


1. Wriggle
2. Fight mind control
3. Grab Tongue

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Panties (Damp/pulled aside)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 58%
Status: Nipples erect, soaking pussy

'Grab tongue' was chosen by viewers!

The vampire commanded again,

"Suck. My. Cock."

(Mind control test: Horniness penalty above 50% applied. 56%+8%=64% FAIL!)

Vampire's mind control overrides the chosen action, 'Grab tongue.'

Jessie couldn't resist. The feeling of losing control was blissful. Her head rotated slightly and she engulfed the vampire's cock in her mouth. She sucked religiously the whole shaft, working it from tip to base. The vampire smiled. He hadn't had such a young virgin before.

Suddenly Jessie felt something squirt in her mouth.

"An aphrodisiac. To help you along."

With that the vampire then let go of one of her legs, and began to unfasten her shirt. All the while his tongue flicked over her g-spot, driving her wild.

Pale figure 60/60


1. Wriggle
2. Fight mind control
3. Grab Tongue

Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Panties (Damp/pulled aside)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 78%
Status: Nipples erect, soaking pussy, drugged (double sex damage taken!)

'Fight Mind Control' chosen by viewers!

Jessie suddenly gained a small sense of reality again. She tried to fight her mind control (13% rolled, very successful pass.)

As she came back to reality she gagged hard on the vampire's cock. She felt a cold breeze against her chest, the vampire had opened up her blouse, revealing her tits in a bra. Before she could remove her head though the vampire's hand  shot down and held it in place.

"Mmmm! MMM!" she yelled

"Now, now, hush..." he responded quietly.

With his hand he gently rocked her head back and fourth.

"Good girl... see? This isn't so bad."

His mouth returned to her pussy, this time though there was no tongue. His mouth engulfed the whole organ and Jessie began to feel a sucking motion. It was as if every inch of her pussy was being rubbed against every other bit. Every pleasurable zone, every hot spot, every nook and cranney. The feeling was beyond anything she could comprehend.

"MHH MYY GMMD!" came her muffled yell.

The sucking redoubled and intensified.

She heard the vampire's voice in her mind.

"Come for me, my pretty. Come for me, let me have your soul."

The sucking was accompanied by a sharp tongue darting in and out now. Fucking her pussy so fast that she was beginning to lose consciousness from the pleasure.

Pale figure 60/60


1. Wriggle
2. Fight mind control
3. Grab Tongue

Name: Jessie Akira

Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Panties (Damp/pulled aside)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 98%

Status: Nipples erect, soaking pussy, drugged (double sex damage taken!)

'Grab tongue' chosen by the viewers.

The vampire paused his sucking to try and regain control.

(Mind control test. 71% rolled+48% horniness penalty. Epic fail!)

'Vampire's mind control overrides viewers' chosen action, 'Grab tongue.'

"You're mine now. Lie down and unhook your bra."

Jessie lay down on the attic floor, her bra tossed to the side. Her beautiful breasts and nipples were now exposed to the creature standing over her. With a quick swoop it dived onto her, it's cock sliding inside her cunt in one fell motion. His hands shot to her breasts, his mouth went to her neck and began sucking and nibbling. Her entire body felt aflame with lust.

"Oh... Oh my god, it feels so good! You cock deep in my pussy feels so good! Don't stop fucking me!" moaned Jessie.

Jessie was broken now, she hadn't got a chance. The vampire's mind was much stronger than her own with the powers of the red crystal.

The feeling of his fingers working her nipples, and massaging her breasts, combined with the feeling of his tongue and teeth working on her sensitive neck  and delicate ears, combined with the feeling of his 9 inch shaft plunging in and out, it's veiny walls creating a sexy texture and friction on all the right spots.

The vampire then sped up, lunging quicker and quicker. With one final lunge he came deep inside her womb as his penis banged against he cervix. The hot semen gushing through her body sent her into overdrive. She bucked back mindlessly against him.

"OH god yes, Take me, take me now!" she gasped as her orgasm came crashing over her.


Game Over, the vampire made you come and stole your soul. You will now spend the rest of your days as a monster in the house. =)

Pale figure 60/60
Name: Jessie Akira
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 18
Occupation: Schoolgirl
Tights (Hole in crotch)
Panties (Damp/pulled aside)
Buttoned white shirt
Dark Blue blazer


Orgasm: 135%
Status: Nipples erect, soaking pussy, drugged (double sex damage taken!)
The End.
Hope you enjoyed the story;
Thanks for reading;
And thanks for coming.


  1. Maybe you could reuse the same house with another character, who when at some point in the story, meets Jessie as a monster? (Who tries to violate the Player Character obviously :P)

    1. Hey, just saw your comment.

      Nice idea! I might do that! :D
